Hack live from the wp-config.php file from a folder public HTML to move/ Transfer ~~Hedaet Forum~~

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Forum Home >>> Hack System >>> Hack live from the wp-config.php file from a folder public HTML to move/ Transfer

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Total Post: 7639

Registered: 2011-12-11

Hack live from the wp-config.php file from a folder public HTML to move/ Transfer

Move the wp-config.php file out of the public_html folder.
The file path goes from something like this:
To this:

হ্যাক থেকে বাঁচতে হলে, পাবলিক এইচ.টি.এম.এল ফোল্ডার থেকে wp-config.php ফাইল মুভ/ স্থানান্তর করা